Sunday, 2 February 2014

Addiction and its treatment with Bioresonance and Kinesiology

Everyone , at some point , we may be addicted : to some substance (food , drink, drugs, snuff ), any behavior or action ( such as gender ) , etc. . What happens when a person has an addiction?

Typically, the reason that a person generates an addiction or addictive behavior is usually due to some emotional trauma or some circumstance of his life that he is not able to adapt. This is shown as a gap in the person who, to fill it resorts to addictive, repetitive act , be it whatever. Thus, the individual creates a false sense of momentary or temporary satisfaction and, once it passes the physical or psychological effect disappears and gives way again to the empty feeling , manifested with increasing intensity.
This can cause anxiety or nervousness that the person has to mitigate using, again, the addictive act or addiction. This forms a circle that sometimes is hard to break because, over time, the person needs more of substance or need more regularly repeat their addictive behavior to fill the vacuum that increasingly growing.

What happens is the following: addiction requires the person to make a product several times a day . This is caused because we have a brain receptors that are empty and produce a certain cravings and longings and very well defined . What they do is replace addicts this addictive substance with a less harmful , like they have to fill those gaps with some receivers . This shows why many people who stop drinking become smokers, or addicted to chocolate, or coffee ... ( replaces alcohol for snuff , for chocolate , by coffee, etc. . ) . To avoid this I have to fill those gaps with another substance. Some people have more free than other holes and thus are more susceptible to addictions.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which fills the gaps . Enkephalins are a morphine-like opioids , the body produces and must keep as long as possible . But not always occur in sufficient quantity and addictions arise . Enkephalinase enzyme is also produced by the body that destroys the enkephalins . For this reason, we must try to curb production so that more enkephalinase enkephalins, which are those that prevent addictions.

Kinesiology may be useful in treating addictions. First we have to check the emotional component. We need to check if the person has a conflict with itself , ie , send the person to say if you want to leave addiction. Normally says yes, but the unconscious can say no. This is the first thing that needs to be corrected : the psychological reversal on the person, the internal conflict in the individual. For one, the conscious states their addiction and want to leave the other, the unconscious says no. In this case , we have two people in conflict : one wants and the other on the back adjusted no.Una check the social ritual associated with the type of addiction the person has , always defining what you like about the ritual or ceremony associated addiction . It is important that the person to say what he likes . While the person says the ritual , hit or we tap on certain acupuncture points previously selected with the muscle test.

In the physical section of addiction , we can test the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine . These amino acids inhibit the excessive production of enkephalinase . We use them in conjunction with Bach flowers that help control emotional and psychological changes in the person . For physical correction , use a combination of a previously tested acupuncture point , the information of the addictive substance or addictive behavior , and the corresponding amino acid . With this we give three pieces of information to the brain at once to strengthen the treatment of addiction. Then we can use quantum bioresonance therapy . The bioresonance can be very useful when trying an addiction.

From the physical or energetic section we , first , we invert the frequency addictive product , in this way , we give the patient the information changed the product and your immune system will start to react to that information. As before , we must balance the amino acids phenylalanine , tyrosine, that are going to help to control excess encefalinasa.Equilibramos serotonin and dopamine.

On an emotional level , we can work neurotransmitters and neuropeptides , making individual steps associated with addiction NLP . Here reprogram the person on the behaviors that are willing to leave and they will accept new start, to stimulate creativity, enhance self-esteem and image of the person, reduce stress, balance the brain waves and attention deficit and learning new behaviors, etc. .

With this combined work of kinesiology and quantum bioresonance therapy , we can contribute to the proper development of a therapy for invaluable help in the treatment of addictions.

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