Saturday, 1 March 2014
Effective treatment for drug addiction , the evaluation criteria
In order to assess how well the treatment of addiction , there is a reliable and seemingly unconditional criterion : how long after treatment, people do not take drugs , whether or not treatment has yielded results , and people stopped taking the drug . One could say that this is the only and indisputable criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of drug treatment , but it is not. There are other important criteria and evaluation.
1) How well a person feels after the rejection of drug use .
Stopped taking the drugs , the person often experiences malaise, depression , depression and depressed mood . Abstinence is accompanied by such discomfort. If people stopped taking the drugs, but is still experiencing suboptimal condition and ailments , his life becomes somewhat flawed . This does not mean that the drugs have improved his life, but it indicates that the person has not returned to the state , which had earlier, before you start taking drugs.
These suboptimal state indicate that drugs made some changes in the psyche and the physiological state of a person who had not been fully rehabilitated. And it is always a danger returning to drugs, as human patience may just burst. He can not cope with the difficulties and return to drugs or find , as it often happens , in the form of replacement of alcohol or drugs .
2) Does the person social life, working to learn to take care of the family ?
Effective treatment for drug addiction also provides restoration of human responsibility and the return of his self-esteem.
Family Care , successful work, study and commitment to the goals characterizes a person in terms of socio useful member of society.
You can not say that a person is totally alright if , after the course of treatment of drug addiction , he spent most of the time idle , leads antisocial , immoral lifestyle , as this can push it again to drugs and this factor , in most cases the cause of the beginning of addiction.
3) The moral level , honesty commitment, responsibility.
At its core is a good man , and when he commits acts contrary to the accepted rules of behavior in the family , group , society , he begins his fall down . There is overwhelming evidence that drug addicts first started committing such acts and only after that are addicted to drugs. When a person goes through life , deceiving , and cast their loved ones, sooner or later it starts to feel unbearable emotional pain , which man tries to drown with alcohol or drugs .
Effective treatment for drug addiction should certainly apply to this circumstance and return man to lead a respectable and honest life .
Is it possible to achieve all of the above factors for effective addiction treatment by removing the break-up , drug therapy , psychotherapy, and training from a psychologist ? Unfortunately , no.
To restore human abilities, self-esteem and regain good health , you need to undergo a full rehabilitation program , regardless of whether a person takes drugs after treatment or not.
People in need of rehabilitation to feel free from drugs and alcohol , that would not feel remorse for past actions to cope with the disappointment in the past.
Rehabilitation is important and necessary step on the path to freedom from drugs and this step will be to go to Narconon center where people undergoing rehabilitation program sequence can find real freedom from drugs and great physical and internal condition.
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Discover the world of tobacco addiction
Today I have a little surprise for you, a fascinating subject : tobacco dependence/addiction.
Starting smoking, gradually dependency installs automatically.
Discover the world of tobacco addiction !/tobacco dependence!
Discover this dependence in detail ...
What causes tobacco dependence ?
When I say addicted to tobacco , you might think of the famous nicotine and you 're not wrong . It is nicotine that is responsible for addiction.
The nicotine is in the same category as alcohol or cocaine. Basically, it is a drug.
It is the action of nicotine on the brain that makes smokers addicted.
Types of tobacco dependence
Tobacco dependence is firstly a physical dependence because of nicotine. So when you stop smoking , your body asks you this dose of nicotine with excessive impulses.
On the other hand , smokers face a behavioral addiction as smoking becomes a habit.
For this, there some circumstances where light a single cigarette is automatic after lunch or during a break at work.
Test your tobacco dependence with the Fagerström test
To assess the degree of your addiction , made the Fagerström test . This is a questionnaire with scores ranging from 0 to 10 .
This classification shows the level of your addiction from the lowest to the highest .
If you have a score greater than or equal to 6, it means that you totally addicted to tobacco, you probably do without it!
Tobacco dependence : Conclusion
However , whatever your smoking addiction , know that smoking only destroy you.
Seek advice from a smoking addiction counsellor because it is the only one who can help you stop smoking depending on your level of addiction.
My last tip: to put to an end to all tobacco addiction , stop smoking, stop smoking benefit : tobacco dependence
Workaholism:work addiction
What is work addiction ?
The workaholic is a person with an excessive need to work , what causes problems and interference in their health , their happiness and their personal relationships. Workaholism is also called workaholism and suffering this addiction , workaholic .
Workaholism belongs to the category of units not linked to substances or toxic addictions . However, not much different from the classical forms of dependence, especially in regard to the trend of physical, mental and social destruction.
Overall, workaholic , workaholic or , seeks to alleviate feelings of anxiety, emptiness and low self-esteem with devotion , is working hard to be worth much . Workaholics tend to behave in an authoritarian manner , both in the family and in the workplace, often developing a stress syndrome that contributes to worsening the situation , then , and to address the physical and mental exhaustion , often resort to use of substances such as coffee, tranquilizers and alcohol.
characteristics of this addiction :
High involvement in work activity.
Impulse to work due to personal or internal pressures.
Poor ability to enjoy the task performed.
Search for power or prestige .
What is at stake is the addict 's self-esteem and social recognition . It is not uncommon under workaholism feelings of inferiority and fear of failure hide .
Symptoms of workaholism
The symptoms experienced by people addicted to work are no different from those in other psychological addictions problem denial , cognitive distortions of reality, need for control, increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms during holiday periods (irritability, anxiety , depression, etc. . ) .
Not all intense dedication to work, even outside of an urgent business need at a critical economic situation , reveals the existence of an addiction. Hardworking people , but not addicted , enjoy work , are very productive , they spend a lot of energy and enthusiasm and try to balance it with the dedication of time to the family , social relationships or hobbies . In addition, periods of work overinvolvement are objectively demand for it , usually temporary. By contrast, addicts work interferes negatively in physical health, personal happiness or family and social relationships. Lacking control over dedication to the obligations , invest a lot of time and thoughts, even when they are away , at work , that becomes the priority element of everything around them. In fact, there is a high labor involvement even in routine activities that could be performed by others.
Negative consequences of workaholism
In these circumstances the negative consequences are of various types : damaged family relationships, social isolation, loss of sense of humor, lack of interest in " non-productive " relationships, sex scheduled and not spontaneous , failing health , cardiovascular changes related stress, etc. . The overwhelming need to devote time to his life and work and a central excessively leads the addict to feel dissatisfied or irritable when away from work activity , holidays and weekends, for example. Moreover, these people tend to continue their excessive involvement in work despite suffering from stress or various health problems and hide their work-related and family to avoid social disapproval thoughts. In sum , there is a deficient quality of life , too few free time and a sleep rhythm subject to large variations.
Treatment of workaholism
The goal of treatment is that the person achieves fill the void that tries to cover his addiction , regain control of your emotions and improve your self-esteem. Also, special attention to the necessary cognitive restructuring is provided, given the impact of cognitive distortions in the origin and maintenance of the disorder.
Addiction and its treatment with Bioresonance and Kinesiology
Everyone , at some point , we may be addicted : to some substance (food , drink, drugs, snuff ), any behavior or action ( such as gender ) , etc. . What happens when a person has an addiction?
Typically, the reason that a person generates an addiction or addictive behavior is usually due to some emotional trauma or some circumstance of his life that he is not able to adapt. This is shown as a gap in the person who, to fill it resorts to addictive, repetitive act , be it whatever. Thus, the individual creates a false sense of momentary or temporary satisfaction and, once it passes the physical or psychological effect disappears and gives way again to the empty feeling , manifested with increasing intensity.
This can cause anxiety or nervousness that the person has to mitigate using, again, the addictive act or addiction. This forms a circle that sometimes is hard to break because, over time, the person needs more of substance or need more regularly repeat their addictive behavior to fill the vacuum that increasingly growing.
What happens is the following: addiction requires the person to make a product several times a day . This is caused because we have a brain receptors that are empty and produce a certain cravings and longings and very well defined . What they do is replace addicts this addictive substance with a less harmful , like they have to fill those gaps with some receivers . This shows why many people who stop drinking become smokers, or addicted to chocolate, or coffee ... ( replaces alcohol for snuff , for chocolate , by coffee, etc. . ) . To avoid this I have to fill those gaps with another substance. Some people have more free than other holes and thus are more susceptible to addictions.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which fills the gaps . Enkephalins are a morphine-like opioids , the body produces and must keep as long as possible . But not always occur in sufficient quantity and addictions arise . Enkephalinase enzyme is also produced by the body that destroys the enkephalins . For this reason, we must try to curb production so that more enkephalinase enkephalins, which are those that prevent addictions.
Kinesiology may be useful in treating addictions. First we have to check the emotional component. We need to check if the person has a conflict with itself , ie , send the person to say if you want to leave addiction. Normally says yes, but the unconscious can say no. This is the first thing that needs to be corrected : the psychological reversal on the person, the internal conflict in the individual. For one, the conscious states their addiction and want to leave the other, the unconscious says no. In this case , we have two people in conflict : one wants and the other on the back adjusted no.Una check the social ritual associated with the type of addiction the person has , always defining what you like about the ritual or ceremony associated addiction . It is important that the person to say what he likes . While the person says the ritual , hit or we tap on certain acupuncture points previously selected with the muscle test.
In the physical section of addiction , we can test the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine . These amino acids inhibit the excessive production of enkephalinase . We use them in conjunction with Bach flowers that help control emotional and psychological changes in the person . For physical correction , use a combination of a previously tested acupuncture point , the information of the addictive substance or addictive behavior , and the corresponding amino acid . With this we give three pieces of information to the brain at once to strengthen the treatment of addiction. Then we can use quantum bioresonance therapy . The bioresonance can be very useful when trying an addiction.
From the physical or energetic section we , first , we invert the frequency addictive product , in this way , we give the patient the information changed the product and your immune system will start to react to that information. As before , we must balance the amino acids phenylalanine , tyrosine, that are going to help to control excess encefalinasa.Equilibramos serotonin and dopamine.
On an emotional level , we can work neurotransmitters and neuropeptides , making individual steps associated with addiction NLP . Here reprogram the person on the behaviors that are willing to leave and they will accept new start, to stimulate creativity, enhance self-esteem and image of the person, reduce stress, balance the brain waves and attention deficit and learning new behaviors, etc. .
With this combined work of kinesiology and quantum bioresonance therapy , we can contribute to the proper development of a therapy for invaluable help in the treatment of addictions.
What is marijuana?
Marijuana is a mixture of leaves, stems , seeds and dried flowers of the plant Cannabis sativa , is colored green, brown and gray . Usually smoked in cigarettes , sometimes mixed with snuff , but can also be smoked in a pipe . In some countries like India is eaten mixed with food . Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that causes changes in the mind and alter the way of thinking, feeling and acting.
Immediate effects at the physiological level
Marijuana produces sensations that are pleasant for some people , so consume without thinking about their risk . You feel hungry and thirsty and crave sweet foods . Although there are individuals who do not experience many changes , marijuana causes some immediate effects on many people :
• Increased heart rate .
• Decreased reaction times to auditory and visual stimuli .
• Delay of motor and eye irritation responses.
• Resecamente mouth and increased appetite .
Effects psychologically
• Present state of being.
• mild euphoria , relaxation .
• Increased sensitivity especially hearing level .
• The perception of time is the second amended and significantly extends minutes .
• It affects memory for things he does not remember or say
• Anxiety, depression, severe and unpleasant disorders.
• Paranoia ( irrational ideas of persecution ) .
Long-term effects
• Addiction .
• Respiratory diseases .
• Cancer and damage to the respiratory system
• Increased likelihood of damage to reproductive and immune systems.
• Alteration of hormone production in both men and women .
addictive Potential
A drug is addicting if it causes a desire to search and compulsive and uncontrolled consumption despite adverse social and health information . Marijuana meets these requirements. Annually, more than 120,000 people seek treatment for their primary marijuana addiction . In addition , animal studies indicate that marijuana can cause physical dependence , and some people have reported having symptoms associated with withdrawal .
Dependence and tolerance
Clinical practice shows that in certain cases when you have spent time during periods of frequent reactions of anxiety and calms irritation with consumption occur again . In these circumstances people can get violent so if dependence occurs even though the symptoms are different from those produced by other substances such as narcotics . As tolerance is ensured that after a time of normal use and the effects decrease smoking larger amounts necessary to achieve the desired state.
Are the effects of marijuana reversible ?
When you quit smoking , a progressive recovery of memory , concentration and mood normal state occurs, but in people predisposed to psychological problems marijuana can trigger critical situations that leave permanent sequelae.
Why some young people use marijuana ?
• Out of curiosity, to see how it feels .
• To feel accepted by their friends.
• As a sign of rebellion against adults or in response to a challenge.
• As an act of freedom from unfair ban.
Some young people use it because they see adults consuming their family or they feel they need marijuana and other drugs to escape problems at home , at school or with friends.
How do you know if a person has smoked marijuana?
signs that can be observed in a person who is under the influence of marijuana , though they vary so much that sometimes almost unnoticeable :
• Stun and incoordination when walking.
• Simplicity ( laughs easily ) .
• Redness of the eyes.
• Inability to remember the most recent events
• Thirst.
• Increased appetite .
Can you recognize who use marijuana regularly?
• Presence of drugs in their clothing or personal items .
• Strange smell in your room.
• Loss of interest and motivation in their daily work .
• Swings in your mood
• Communication breakdown with family
• Periods of irritation and depression.
• Excessive use of perfumes, deodorants, incense, or candles.
• Use eye drops (to prevent redness).
• Possession of posters, clothes or objects that reference to drugs is made.
Do people who use marijuana need hospitalization ?
Hospitalization is required when you have serious crisis severe intoxication . You need to provide family support and show interest to participate in treatment.
How does it affect the brain?
Some studies show that when an individual has smoked large amounts of marijuana for years , the drug damages your mental functions. The use of marijuana affects the parts of the brain that control memory , attention and learning. Smoking marijuana causes some changes in the brain as those caused by cocaine , heroin and alcohol. Some researchers believe that these changes may increase the risk that a person becomes addicted to other drugs, such as cocaine and heroin.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Effective treatment for drug addiction
According to research by experts , people become addicted to a variety of reasons : for some it is a great way to escape for a while from the accumulated problems , for others - a remedy for depression , self-doubt, and still others are beginning to use different drugs against his will , and under external pressure , for example , hitting a company in which many people take drugs. But they all share one thing - they need specialized care , so the recovery of addiction in " ABILITY Clinic" - it's not just a standard rate for drug-dependent patients using classical techniques. This is, first and foremost , treatment under the supervision of highly qualified professionals who take their job very responsibly. They are fully aware of the seriousness of the problem and solve it only on an individual basis , developing a special regimen for each patient.
What is drug addiction and its types
The term refers to an unhealthy addiction to substances and preparations which have euphoric , exciting, intoxicating , anesthetic or hypnotic effect on the body. It arises as a result of the systematic use of the drug or substance , followed by increasing doses to achieve the desired effect. We can say that drug addiction is very similar to the dependence on alcohol and tobacco , as it has similar symptoms , the process flow , the negative effects on the body. Distinguish mental and physical dependence on drugs in the first case the person feels a strong psychological discomfort while staying in a relatively healthy state . In the second case, the body begins to feel pain at the time of termination of the drug substance or the lack of it , in other words , the "break ." The degree of predominance of one or another kind of addiction depends on the type of substance consumed by man .
Drug treatment specialists ' ABILITY clinics " have solid experience in their work with drug addicts resort to different methods , among which is a particularly effective technique developed in the clinic ksenoterapii , which is universal, as is also used to help suffering alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The technique consists in the gradual elimination of the physiological and psychological symptoms and bringing the body into a healthy state.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Methods to treat addiction
When people addicted to alcohol or drugs want to get well , trying to commit to a new lifestyle and healthy behaviors. Usually , people with addiction problems , want to recover without medication , perhaps to really feel restrained .
When people go through rehabilitation, initially often feel some negative symptoms such as:
bipolar Disorder
Constant alertness
repetitive thoughts
Thoughts and behaviors similar to schizophrenia
"When it is in good emotional , physical and mental health , the brain produces adequate amounts of neurotransmitters to make you feel alert , relaxed , centered and peaceful. However, when under mental or emotional or consume excessive amounts of caffeine , alcohol or other substances stress , the natural production of neurotransmitters become unbalanced . "
Methods to treat addiction
deep Breathing
Deep breathing and conscious improves blood circulation , lowers blood pressure and improves strength and endurance .
It has been shown that deep breathing helps calm the cravings for alcohol.
Yoga and meditation
The goal of yoga is to achieve harmony between body, mind and spirit. Yoga and meditation help control and obsessive compulsive mind , common characteristic of people struggling with addiction .
These techniques help achieve a change in perspective. When thoughts flow , so do the actions. Change the way that life certainly can help combat stress, depression , anxiety, obsessive- compulsive behaviors and addictions think.
Apps for overcoming addiction to snuff , shopping or sex
There are many related to any addiction recovery applications. Possibly soon have even an App for wean applications , but the list of tools included in this post are intended to help to stop the most common bad habits that people get to suffer .
- Cigarettes
QuitNow ! This Android application can become the main motivation to quit this harmful habit , as it helps to stop anxiety. provides health indicators based on the World Health Organization to find motivation in this process because it generates a list of accomplishments that will eventually unblocked .
Stop Smoking If printed messages on cigarette packs do not yet have deterred lighting a cigarette , probably this app can do . All you have to do is enter the date you started smoking, how many you smoke a day , and then Stop Smoking cigars grant some numbers as the years of life you have lost due to this habit.
- Drugs
Drug Addiction is a book that offers a wide range of tips, including guidelines on how to recognize and break the addiction to drugs. Available for iOS devices.
Friends of Jimmy An application for iOS that gives tips Narcotics Anonymous. Through a time line you can see your progress and how long have you been "clean" . Includes over 350 slogans association will encourage you to stop this addiction.
- Shopping
Shopping Addict Test This application for iPhone and iPad will help you know if you are addicted to shopping through a questionnaire . Also intended as a guide to identify your buying habits and your attitudes towards spending . The app offers a number of tips on how to do your shopping next to your friends.
- Sex
Porn & Sex Addiction Support combat addiction to pornography and sex is possible with this app for iOS , which lets you talk with men and women around the world who have overcome this habit. In addition, this app provides news , videos and podcasts to help you answer the most common questions about this addiction.
- Alcoholism
12 Steps AA Companion Since the 1930s , known Alcoholics Anonymous and Twelve Step program have helped alcoholics worldwide recover from addiction to intoxicants . Now you can carry on your Android or iOS device with a Twelve Step program wherever you go. The application allows you to view the duration of sobriety, read stories of how thousands of people have recovered from alcoholism and fulfill your commitments to accomplish your goal . If you feel you need some kind of face to face contact with other alcoholics , this application will help you meet them .
Blood Alcohol Calculator This application for Android measures the concentration of alcohol in the blood by simply entering the number of drinks , and hours you've been drinking and the size of your drinks (if you drink in cups , glasses or the famous shots ) . After adding this data , you get the alcohol level , which will help you make good decisions.
Alcohol Tracker AlcoDroid Through this app you will discover if you have a problem with alcohol . AlcoDroid will track the amount of alcoholic beverages you eat and act as a journal so you can get an idea of whether you're taking more than you should.
- Food
CraveMate An application that will help stop your addiction to food (especially junk food ) . The app helps get the power control senseless by a personal trainer who will help you control your cravings at any time .
- Video
Gaming Addiction How To Treat An application for those who can not leave the game console . This app for Android devices offers ways to overcome gambling addiction , advice to replace or keep you away from your addiction , plus testimonials from former players recovered . The application is free .
There are also interesting initiatives like about OneHealth Solutions , a mobile web platform oriented behavior change addicts , whose mission is to work with treatment centers for addiction and social methods used to help people dealing with people with addictions .
The company offers a web and mobile platform to addicts and users of health plans. The mobile component for iOS and Android , was released in late February . The platform is a social network aimed at sufferers of severe physical and mental chronic diseases such as diabetes , asthma , depression , addictions , eating disorders , and many more. When patients log on to the portal , report how they are behaving with their addiction on a sliding scale of one to five. If a low score is presented immediately reflected in their social network.
20 tips to stop sugar addiction
Sugar is difficult because our brain becomes addicted to the natural opioids that are released to consume sugar. As is the case with drug abuse such as cocaine , alcohol and nicotine , a diet high in sugar can generate excessive reward signals in the brain , outstripping our capacity for self- control and triggering an addiction.
In the French study , presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience , showed that rats could submit more sugar addiction to cocaine.
The American Psychiatric Association believes that to speak of addiction and require 3 items : excess withdrawal and cravings and sugar meets these three characteristics , according to studies conducted in rats , which makes that sugar is a highly addictive substance.
In contrast to this clinical claim , is the fact that most relate the "sweet " taste of honey and somewhat comforting. As children, our first contact is with the lactose , which is milk sugar . Later , as parents, we pay our children with sweets that are highly pleasing to the palate. We become dependent on something sweet at the end of the meal to feel completely satisfied and continue with this " sweet self-medication " to throughout our lives to satisfy emotional needs and momentary power failure .
Like any drug , sugar makes us desire to repeat the dose. It is shown that the sugar acts as a reward in the brain in the same way that most illegal drugs. And like other illegal drugs can destroy our health causing diabetes , heart disease , hypertension , obesity and premature aging.
Now the question is: how to get rid of this addiction ?
The following 20 tips help to quit sugar:
1 - . Eating regularly. It is necessary to have three hearty meals and two snacks or four moderate meals a day. When one goes too long without eating , comes to be very hungry and is easier than he wants something sweet to regain its energy.
2 - . Choose whole foods . The less processed a food is, the less likely it came with refined sugar.
3 - Breakfast protein , vegetable fats and phytonutrients . If a person has breakfast pastries or pancakes will risk that much sugar he wants the rest of the day. Having a balanced breakfast is essential to prevent sugar cravings during the day.
4 - . Incorporate proteins and / or vegetable fats to each food . This helps to control blood sugar, but it is highly recommended that proteins and fats and vegetable are origin.
. 5 - Add spices to food. the food you eat ,add cinnamon , nutmeg or cardamom spices they achieved slightly sweeten foods , reducing sugar cravings .
6 - . Consuming vitamins and minerals. It is essential to have a diet rich in fruits, green leafy vegetables , fish and dairy cold water in order to have a good intake and vitamins , minerals and omega 3 fatty acids.
7 - Exercise. Physical activity helps to reduce stress , increase energy and reduce the desire to eat something sweet for energy.
8 - Get enough sleep . When we are tired , it is common to use a sweet for energy quickly and counteract fatigue food.
9 - . Discover emotional disorders. It is common to be disappointed or if you have anxiety, to sweet foods recourse to feel " comforted " but this " pleasure " is momentary and carries many harmful effects, so it is best to stop and explore our emotional state and solutions should have some conflict.
10 - .Do Not buy sweets. It is essential not to store at home or in the office to avoid sugary foods have on hand and taking them with ease.
11 - . Avoid sweeteners. It is recommended not to use artificial sweeteners.
12 - . Read the labels . We read the labels before consuming products so that we can know your sugar level and choose those with lower sugar content.
13 - . Familiar with the terminology . You have to know that the term " corn syrup, high fructose , sucrose , dextrose , honey , refined sugar and muscovado " refer .
14 - . Avoid sugar in disguise. Remember that most of the carbohydrates that we would take as "complex " , which are consumed in the form of breads and pasta are not really complex and act in the body just like refined sugar.
For extreme cravings , is recommended :
15 - . Consuming L -Glutamine , a nonessential amino acid that tends to neutralize the effect of acids in muscle after exercise and are responsible for fatigue.
16 - . Taking too much water. Water intake helps to remove the sweet tooth . It is also common that the craving for something sweet is actually thirst, lack of adequate hydration.
17 - . Meditate . The body awareness , listening to the breathing for a few minutes helps pass the sugar cravings .
18 - . Distracted . When that sweet tooth comes recommended walking 10 to 15 minutes, if possible in nature.
19 - . Eating fruit . A piece of fruit satisfies the sweet tooth much healthier than consuming refined sugar.
20 - . Emotional satisfactions Search . It is highly advisable to seek emotionally pleasant experiences that nurture the psychological well-being and provide the satisfaction we need.
How to Stop alcohol Addiction
Although for many people drinking alcohol is something simple to handle, since the body can process without any problem one or two drinks per day , for many others alcohol causes health problems either by a negative reaction of the organism to its consumption or an addiction problem . Whether you suffer from alcoholism, or you want to stop drinking alcohol to improve your health , here are several strategies that can help you.
Begin by making a list of all the good things that alcohol gives you. Yes , it sounds weird , the first step is to recognize that because you like to drink alcohol . Make a list of all the positive feelings you experience when drinking, and compare it to a list of all the negative consequences that you face after drinking alcohol. To convince you deeply that you need to stop drinking , you need to know you're going to miss , but the benefits you will get will make everything worthwhile.
Having contrasted pros and cons , make a card with all the ways your life can improve if you do not drink and alcohol. Ranging from economics ( as they spend less money, or you'll be more effective in your work, especially if you manage yourself sales have been low because you do not you are committed to 100 % ) to emotional ( you will feel more confident about yourself less guilty, have a more stable , positive and constant) and personal mood ( improve your relationship with your family, you'll have more energy to spend time with your kids and do other important things before you walked away a night of alcohol) .
The next step is to ask for help. By willpower you have, you can not do it alone . Since you recognize that alcohol is a problem for you , the next step is to admit it to others. Dealing with a drinking problem secret never works well because you place an undue burden on your shoulders , even if you're not an alcoholic and you just want to reduce the number of glasses you drink you every day , talk to your family will help you understand the you want to make changes in your diet and lifestyle (plus it surely will help you find ways to do this at home with day to day).
When you have a very strong alcohol addiction , however , your family can not give you all the support you need, but you should go to a medical review to analyze how you can make a transition to free your body of alcohol dependence without physiological and psychological experiment gravity misalignments during the process.
Once you 've shared your willingness to give up alcohol with the right people , you need to set an exact date for achieving your accomplishment not to drink alcohol at all , or not as often as before.
If you have a significant addiction , you need to give up alcohol completely, because your body can not tolerate a glass test only without the memory of the unit to wake up and need to take more. So what you should do is put by various aspects of your life , such as improving your diet , take hours more regular sleep and do some exercise in preparation for the date that you will decide to stop drinking alcohol completely .
If you have alcohol addiction, but you are interested in drinking less to improve your health , what you can do is to gradually reduce the number of cups you drink a day, and eventually get there a couple of days a week where no take any . For example , if you get used to drinking four cups a day, you can decide that from next week you shall allow only 3 drinks daily . Your achievement for the second week of the challenge will be to reduce your intake to 2 drinks per day , and for the third week, you will already be in only one drink per day . If your body is delicate and requires further reduce alcohol consumption for medical advice , you can decide that from the fourth week no longer will drink alcohol, Mondays and Wednesdays , for example, and even continue giving to other days of the week as the months go by , to the point of only afford a drink on the weekends .
In case you just want to reduce your intake of alcohol, ask your friends or family to help you comply with your plan of action should be enough to change your lifestyle after a couple of months.
Think that most social activities involving alcohol are still at your fingertips : you can go out at night to have fun without taking a single drink. It's all in your attitude and you have confidence in yourself to be appreciated by your friends and have a great need without having alcohol in your body.
If there are some specific meetings or entertainment you can no longer participate, or you yourself decide to stop taking part in those opportunities away from alcohol , also thinks that there are many other ways to spend your free time. You can play poker at home with your closest friends , those who know do not oblige drink, you can go out shopping with your friends , you can learn extreme sports , you can enroll in cultural workshops , you can go to the theater , you can watch movies home now that everything is on the Internet ... be sure to enjoy your free time in the company of others , and will not miss at all not drinking as much.
In the event that you must stop drinking completely because you have a real addiction for it, you need to take extra to set a date and improve your eating habits and your actions .
Group meetings to share experiences by alcohol abuse have helped many people overcome their addiction to this substance. Most groups are free entry , so you lose nothing by trying a couple of times and see how you feel being in a session.
For others, a personal psychotherapist is a more effective strategy to group meetings . Usually alcoholism is a way to deal with deeper personal problems , you must resolve completely if you want your choice to be abstinent permanent.
Scan all possible fears or anxiety-producing situations when you 're sober . If you feel you have gaps or needs that only fills the alcohol, you need to improve your relationships and your own emotional intelligence before giving up drinking forever .
If you have serious personal problems , maybe just you've been handling the stress in the wrong way . Rather than avoid it completely , you must find other ways to give out , such as exercise or meditation. Practicing yoga mix a little of both , and has helped many people find in themselves the strength to stop drinking.
Avoid all situations and people that take you to consume alcoholic beverages. Instead , friends and began to frequent places that take you away from any possibility of approaching a bottle of alcohol. Trips to remote sites in nature, spend the day with other families in children's amusement parks , eat at restaurants that serve not only healthy beverages ... It is also important to try to adopt a new hobby that you are passionate about full, that challenge to keep your mind busy and achieve something that produces pleasure you constructively.
Finally , learn to cope with the impulses of your body. Whenever you feel the need to drink , because your throat is dry, because your stomach look less uncontrollably to pour the alcohol, you should not try to ignore these signals. Forcing your body to keep going only increase your stress load , to the point where you'd end up collapsing and getting close almost by inertia to a liquor store. What you need to do is accept those feelings and see what times of day they arrive, what mental frameworks help you to overcome , if healthy foods or drinks that help you indirectly satisfy this urge . The first few weeks will be very difficult , but eventually learn to " transform" the demands of your body demands more products and charitable activities for your health. What matters is that you recognize that your body is talking , you learn to respond , to negotiate with him and gradually accustom to new ways of gratification
10 Tips To Stop Smoking Addiction
We all know how dangerous smoking is for our health , but often we are unable to quit.
Snuff addiction is a problem of all smokers face .
Studies show snuff cravings are intense but short-lived .
It is important to believe that you are not at the mercy of the whims of snuff and nicotine unit can not control your life.
Here are a list of some simple ways to stop smoking and give your lungs a favor and life forms.
1. Delay
Whenever you feel you can not control the urge to smoke try to delay its decision to be distracted by something else. This distraction delay your craving for snuff and reduce the number of cigarettes smoked in a day.
Two . Keep moving
Studies show that those who keep moving and stay physically active tend to crave snuff less than people who do not .
A simple walk around the block can also lead to the release of anti -craving chemicals in the body.
3 . Be social
When you decide to quit talk about it as much as you can.
A study in Australia found that people who talked to others about quitting had better chances .
If you talk to people about the bad effects of smoking, awareness extends while you get the support you need .
4 . chewing more
If you keep your mouth busy will have less time to smoke . Try chewing gum or eating a carrot , sunflower seeds or nuts. This will leave you with a crisp and satisfying snack that will be good for you instead of harmful.
5 . Make friends not smoking
Research shows that smoke more when we're with other smokers. Try to socialize with people who do not smoke . Keep a distance from people who smoke while doing it. Keep this distance will help prevent cravings .
6. stress less
Many people smoke more to cope with the amount of stress they have. Try to stay happy and take other stress management techniques like yoga and meditation. You can also spend your downtime hobbies that leave you with little time to quit.
7. Think of the benefits of quitting
Think about the reasons that made you decide to quit. Tell yourself you can do it and decide what is most important to you , smoking or need to quit. Take it as a challenge and try to stick to your plan to quit . Set a realistic goal and focus on making improvements every day, make moves to get closer to that goal.
8. Identify the triggers
Try to think of the times you smoke or things you do while smoking . Often people smoke while driving or watching TV . Some people smoke in bars and restaurants , while some smoke before going to bed. Identify trigger events and the use of a plan.
9. Change your diet
There are foods that make cigarettes taste better or worse . Studies show foods like meat and burgers do taste better smoking while foods such as cheese , fruit and vegetables do not .
10. Believe in yourself
This is perhaps the most important smoking cessation advice. Go for it with all his strength and strengthen your willpower . Watch movies inspiration and motivation to maintain a positive attitude.
Saturday, 11 January 2014
What are the treatments for addiction to snuff ?
Snuff addiction is caused by smoking during a prolonged period of time . Nicotine snuff is in fact stimulates receptors in the brain by a dependent. Someone who smokes cigarettes is likely to have problems stopping due to the fact that the mere act of smoking has become a learned habit that has been integrated into the life of the smoker. Over time smoking causes many health complications such as congestive heart failure , emphysema and lung cancer . Trying to quit smoking is a big task , but there are treatments available to help eliminate the habit.
Behavioral Therapy
Who has learned to pick up smoking a cigarette after dinner or during the voyage home . When faced with non smoking these people are lost for something to do. Behavioral therapy is needed to break this habit . The purpose of therapy is to teach someone a new way of seeing things . Instead of smoking after a good meal , take a walk around the neighborhood and enjoy fresh air. Before long, a significant change will happen .
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
The market is full of nicotine replacement which is very useful to help people quit smoking. These products contain a small amount of nicotine to help a smoker for the day , but do not carry the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes. Replacements come in ways counter as gum and patches. A stronger replacement nasal spray , can be obtained with a prescription. The benefit of nicotine replacement is that using one can increase the chances of quitting.
Medications can help reduce anxiety smokers . Varenicline and bupropion works by blocking the affected neurons by nicotine. Eventually the cravings will stop and life can return to normal . Medicines can only be obtained a prescription and benefits should be discussed with a doctor.
Emotional therapy
Some people have found that cigarette fill an emotional void . Quitting smoking can be difficult for someone to go back to smoking as a source of comfort . Therapy is a good way to get rid of the need to snuff . A qualified therapist can get the real problem and help relieve feelings that facilitated the need to smoke . Over time a person can get emotional and physical well being.
Behavioral Therapy
Who has learned to pick up smoking a cigarette after dinner or during the voyage home . When faced with non smoking these people are lost for something to do. Behavioral therapy is needed to break this habit . The purpose of therapy is to teach someone a new way of seeing things . Instead of smoking after a good meal , take a walk around the neighborhood and enjoy fresh air. Before long, a significant change will happen .
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
The market is full of nicotine replacement which is very useful to help people quit smoking. These products contain a small amount of nicotine to help a smoker for the day , but do not carry the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes. Replacements come in ways counter as gum and patches. A stronger replacement nasal spray , can be obtained with a prescription. The benefit of nicotine replacement is that using one can increase the chances of quitting.
Medications can help reduce anxiety smokers . Varenicline and bupropion works by blocking the affected neurons by nicotine. Eventually the cravings will stop and life can return to normal . Medicines can only be obtained a prescription and benefits should be discussed with a doctor.
Emotional therapy
Some people have found that cigarette fill an emotional void . Quitting smoking can be difficult for someone to go back to smoking as a source of comfort . Therapy is a good way to get rid of the need to snuff . A qualified therapist can get the real problem and help relieve feelings that facilitated the need to smoke . Over time a person can get emotional and physical well being.
Treatment for individuals with addiction or abuse of cocaine and crack
The cocaine addiction/dependence is a likely disorder treatment , contrary to what many people think . But it is certain that no model can be considered effective treatment for all patients . Individuals who develop cocaine addiction have different characteristics and needs . Studies show a cost- benefit ratio of treatment , the most common result of various treatments is to reduce consumption in later years , as well as the decrease in illegal activities and criminal behaviors dependent. Treatment, however , needs to be understood as a continuous process , as well as medical models used in chronic diseases , like diabetes and hypertension.
Not all users need treatment , many permanently discontinue use after the emergence of the first damage . Others, however, continue to use cocaine despite the obvious consequences start to present . The need for treatment is often determined by the subject's obsessive involvement with the drug passing harming other aspects of your life .
The therapeutic process begins with measures to bring the patient care services . The addict does not seek treatment because you think you 're using drugs too , but always facing " crisis situations " , usually involving work, family , financial situation , legal problems , medical emergencies and breakup of romantic relationship. One way to promote the access of the individual to treatment is to stop the " Facilitation " family. At the time of admission to treatment , the patient almost always has the illusion of being able to return to controlled use of cocaine ( " take a break " ) . This occurrence is impossible, because once crossed the invisible line of dependence , the ability to return to occasional use or controlled is definitely lost ( Washton , 1991) . The patient often takes months or years , with numerous relapses and increasing damage until they become aware of this fact .
Any model of treatment for cocaine dependence should include some basic , fundamental to achieving positive results aspects . Abstinence should be not only cocaine , but of all drugs of abuse , first and foremost goal of the therapeutic process . Both alcohol and other drugs trigger " cracks " , even months ( or years ) after cessation of cocaine , as quoted above, the consumer has a desinibitório effect on the consumption of other drugs ( reduces the ability to avoid consumption ) , increasing yet the patient's impulsivity .
Psycho- educational aspects , both on cocaine , alcohol and other drugs , as on the dependence itself should always be included in any therapeutic modality employed . This component helps the patient to understand and accept the addiction itself. Should include pharmacological aspects , basics of the disease , signs of relapse and ways to prevent them , the bio - psycho-social consequences of addiction , family issues , training and co - dependency ( eg spouse 's dependent) . Family involvement is critical . Other measures that are often included in the process are individual and family therapy, participation in self-help groups , search for alternatives to psychoactive substances activities , medical , nutritional and dental care , toxicology analysis , prescribed pharmacological intervention wont professional characteristics dependence and treatment in inpatient ( hospital and therapeutic communities ) . The more comprehensive and complete the treatment program , the better the chance of recovery.
Hospitalization dependent , contrary to what was previously believed , is not a solution for all patients . In contrast, scientific studies in recent decades not show any advantage of a method versus hospital clinic for the entire population of addicts who seek or are taken for treatment. Rather, the hospital is best understood as a method of promoting abstinence, only part of the individual's recovery and should ALWAYS be associated with subsequent follow-up. The outpatient treatment actually has some advantages over hospitalization , being less costly ( service allows the treatment of a larger number of dependents ) , cause less disruption in the individual's life ( very dependent on seeking treatment , for example, still maintain important social and occupational activities , assisting in maintaining your entire family ) . The hospital also carries a major social stigma , which is delegated to the individual.
Dependent easier to accept outpatient treatment and this model seeks the patient deal with his compulsion in their "real world " ( which will return often unprepared after hospital stay ) . On the other hand , there are some important indications for hospitalization , presented below :
Indications for hospitalization for dependents
1.Risk of suicide , major physical aggression , psychosis
2.Medical or psychiatric illnesses associated indicating hospitalization ( myocardial infarction , seizures , etc.).
3.Severe dysfunction of life dependent or inability to handle basic tasks of their own routine ( personal care , food, etc. . )
4.Associated with substance dependence requiring inpatient treatment ( abstinence from alcohol or opioids )
5.Failure of attempts to outpatient approach dependent
Friday, 10 January 2014
Treatment of alcohol dependence
Treatment of alcohol dependence
Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to alcoholism , trying to overcome a disease. The effects of alcohol abuse are rampant on the victim and his family. Although treatment is available, the addict must be willing to commit and follow it through to successfully win.
The first step in the treatment of alcohol dependence,an alcoholic becomes sober ( detox ),this is also the most difficult. The addict has spent a lot of time not to engage in binge drinking and quitting smoking can seem like death to him. The detoxification process is harsh on the body and mind. Depending on the severity of symptoms and general state of health , detoxification can last from one to five days.
The program of rehabilitation treatment depends on the frequency and duration of use of the alcohol . There are several to choose from. Residential treatment requires a stay of 30 to 90 days. Partial hospitalization is a program to prevent relapse. Participants meet three to five days per week for four to six hours a day. Intensive outpatient program is relapse prevention .Participant meets three to five times per week for two to four hours a day. Consultation takes the form of individual, group or family therapy. Sober life includes sober living homes available for recovering addicts . Brief intervention is designed for those who have the potential for alcohol abuse
It is important to know what to look for in a program of alcohol detox . While a sumptuous decor is attractive , your choice should be based more on the quality of care you receive. Make sure the facility is licensed and accredited , and has documented the success of the program history . Established a monitoring program should also be available .
The cost for the treatment of alcohol dependence varies with the needs of a person may be different from each other . The costs depend mainly on the length of treatment required and if hospitalization will be involved
When an alcoholic is also suffering from mental disorders , resulting in mixed diagnosis. Generally , mental illness occurs initially , followed by alcohol dependence when the user attempts of his psychiatric state self-medication. The available treatment for dual diagnosis includes medical detoxification (stay of three to five days ) , residential long-term programs (a few months to one year of residence) and two treatment centers diagnosis ( going beyond the standard therapy).
Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to alcoholism , trying to overcome a disease. The effects of alcohol abuse are rampant on the victim and his family. Although treatment is available, the addict must be willing to commit and follow it through to successfully win.
The first step in the treatment of alcohol dependence,an alcoholic becomes sober ( detox ),this is also the most difficult. The addict has spent a lot of time not to engage in binge drinking and quitting smoking can seem like death to him. The detoxification process is harsh on the body and mind. Depending on the severity of symptoms and general state of health , detoxification can last from one to five days.
The program of rehabilitation treatment depends on the frequency and duration of use of the alcohol . There are several to choose from. Residential treatment requires a stay of 30 to 90 days. Partial hospitalization is a program to prevent relapse. Participants meet three to five days per week for four to six hours a day. Intensive outpatient program is relapse prevention .Participant meets three to five times per week for two to four hours a day. Consultation takes the form of individual, group or family therapy. Sober life includes sober living homes available for recovering addicts . Brief intervention is designed for those who have the potential for alcohol abuse
It is important to know what to look for in a program of alcohol detox . While a sumptuous decor is attractive , your choice should be based more on the quality of care you receive. Make sure the facility is licensed and accredited , and has documented the success of the program history . Established a monitoring program should also be available .
The cost for the treatment of alcohol dependence varies with the needs of a person may be different from each other . The costs depend mainly on the length of treatment required and if hospitalization will be involved
When an alcoholic is also suffering from mental disorders , resulting in mixed diagnosis. Generally , mental illness occurs initially , followed by alcohol dependence when the user attempts of his psychiatric state self-medication. The available treatment for dual diagnosis includes medical detoxification (stay of three to five days ) , residential long-term programs (a few months to one year of residence) and two treatment centers diagnosis ( going beyond the standard therapy).
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